
Monday, September 17, 2012

Ahoy, ye scurvy SFU students! Aye, it be that time o' the year once morrrr.  International TLPD is Wednesday.

At Fogelson Librrrary, we be havin' a small collection o' pirate books at call numbers G535 to G537.  Yer librarrrian, Cap'n Morgan, gathered them together for a display on the table near the entrance.

Besides the requisite  The Pirates from Time-Life Publishers, there is  Memoirs of a Buccaneer, 1954; Jolly Roger, 1953; Buccaneers of the Pacific, 1928; and, for those of you who read French, the rare and wonderful Quand j'etais flibustier.  

 Just the subtitles of the older volumes are worth a look, for example:

Live it up!  Have a pirate celebration!  How about dinnerrr and a movie with yer maties.  Might we suggest:

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
 Pirates of the Caribbean:  Dead Man's Chest
 Pirates of the Caribbean:  At World's End
The Princess Bride
Yellowbeard (with a surprising castincluding Cheech & Chong, Marty Feldman, John Cleese and Graham Chapman)
Disney's 1950 version of Treasure Island (on VHS)

And for your gustatory delight, there are some cookbooks with fish recipes at call number TX747.  Remembering that sailors ate a lot of preserved meats and dried foods, you may want to take a look at Everything Tastes Better with Bacon (TX749.P48) and Fabulous Beans (TX803.B4B58)For those brave souls who want to make do with what is available, there is White Trash Cooking (TX715.2.S64M52) and The Tuna Fish Gourmet (TX748.T84S43).

By far, the best find for Pirate-Style Dining is  Lobscouse & Spotted Dog: Which It's a Gastronomic Companion to the Aubrey/Maturing Novels (TX714.G77).  This unmatched volume has recipes for Skillygalee,  Pickled Tunny,  Kedgeree, Lobscouse, Sea-Pie, Figgy-Dowdy, Solomongundy, Bashed Neeps,  and Pig's Pettitoes.  Chapter IV focuses on Drinks with a recipe for Rum Punch and Grog.  Included with the recipes and vignettes are hornpipe tunes and ditties. Anticipating the rush for this book, I may just have to put it on rrreserrrrrrve.

For more yummy recipes for the high seas, see .  And don't forget about Bone Soup!

Arrrr, ye lily-livered land lubber desert-dwellers,  caper smartly over to the library to see what may be hiding inside the bung hole.