
Thursday, October 21, 2010


The Society of American Magicians has proclaimed the last week of October NATIONAL MAGIC WEEK. 

According to their website (,    
          The Society of American Magicians adopted the idea of National Magic Week as a way of promoting 
          the Art of Magic by performing shows at orphanages, hospitals and nursing homes for those who  
             would have difficulty getting to a theatre to see a live performance. The members of the Society of 
          American Magicians that participate in these shows find it a rewarding activity. Many people enjoy
          magic shows during this week that otherwise would not be able to do so. 
The history of the occasion dates from soon after the death of Harry Houdini, president of the SAM from 1917 to 1926.  Houdini, who died on October 31, was remembered for several years on "HOUDINI DAY" until, in 1938, October 31st was proclaimed "MAGIC DAY" in honor of Harry Houdini and with the permission of Houdini's widow.  The day was commemorated by magicians nationwide with free performances for hospitalized and home-bound people.

 Houdini, A Pictorial Life is available at Fogelson Library, call number GV1545 .H8 C49.

Today, and for the past forty years, the Society has recognized the anniversary of the death of Harry Houdini with special events to highlight the charitable work of the Society throughout the year. 

Join in the celebration!  Check out a DVD or Video tape from the special display near the cookbooks.  We have a pretty good selection of videos whose plots deal with magic in some way.

The Thief of Bagdad is one of the BEST movies of all time, in the humble opinion of this blogger, and you SHOULD see it!  It is on the MUST-SEE list for all Santa Fe University students, along with Mrs. Miniver and Random Harvest.

 Grab a recipe from The Magic of Microwave Cooking and maybe learn some tricks from one of the magic trick books from the Fogelson Library collection such as Magic With Cards and TOPS Treasury of Illusions.  These are included in the display over the cookbook section.  Come in today!


Don't forget about  THE COMPLETE METROPOLIS, with 25 minutes of restored "lost" footage,  this week only at The Screen.