
Tuesday, May 4, 2010



10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
  • Use Your Friend Lists                                                                                                      You can configure your friend lists by visiting the friends area of your Facebook.                                                                                                                 
  •  Remove Yourself From Facebook Search                                                                             By Default, Facebooks makes your information visible to the network you are in.  Visit your search privacy settings page  and select "Cusomize" from the search visibility drop-down menu. 
  • Remove Yourself From Google                                                                                             By visiting the same search privacy settings page listed in the previous step, you can control the visibility of your public search listing which is visible to search engines. 
  • Avoid the Infamous Photo/Video Tag Mistake                                                                           To prevent a tagged photo or video from showing up in all of your friends' news feeds, visit your "Profile Privacy Page" and modify the setting next to "Photos Tagged of You."  Select "Customize" and click "Only Me" and "None of My Networks" to keep all tagged photos private.
  • Protect Your Albums                                                                                                                                                                           There is a specific "Photos Privacy Page" from which you can manually configure the visibility of each album.
  • Prevent Stories From Showing Up in Your Friends’ News Feeds                                                    Making your basic information completely invisible to friends may not be a good idea for you and the way you want to present your page to friends, but consider removing the news feed stories about relationship changes. 
  • Protect Against Published Application Stories                                                                                                      It's important to monitor what takes place after you install an application on Facebook.  Once you install an application, you should visit your profile to ensure that no embarrassing notification has been posted to your profile.
  • Make Your Contact Information Private                                                                                                      For each contact item that you have in your profile, you should set a custom privacy setting so that contacts that you aren't close to don't have access to your phone number or email.
  • Avoid Embarrassing Wall Posts                                                                                                   Adjust wall posting visibility with the "Settings" menu on your Profile Page.  Control who can post on your wall at "Wall Posts" on Profile Page Settings. 
  • Keep Your Friendships Private                                                                                                                    To modify the visibility of your friends, visit the Profile Privacy page. 

For details about these ten tips, and more information, see Fogelson Library's display I AM NOT AN OPEN BOOK near the entrance of the library.  We have copies of's The Holy Grail of Facebook Privacy for you to read.

You can find more videos on the topic at  Privacy Revolution's Video Gallery.